Category: general

Dead Air: Seeing Things

I’m seeing things, believe me, that I’ve sort of seen before. By Chris Stewart July 18, 2002 Raise your hand if you remember this one. If you lived in the States, probably not. If you lived anywhere else in the world, then yes, you probably do (well, and you have to be over 20). This (and don’t hold this against…

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Speaks the Nightbird by Robert R. McCammon

Which witch will burn, which? By Chuck Wendig May 06, 2003 I wasn’t yet a teenager when my sister did a terrible thing to me. I was twelve, still reading Lloyd Alexander and C.S. Lewis, and then suddenly, my sister pressed into my palm a paperback book called Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon. Damn thing was over 950 pages long (and…

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Buffy, “Get It Done”

Slayer mythos aplenty. By Sarah Kuhn February 19, 2003 Man, I’m a sucker for all the Slayer mythology stuff. I know it’s very nerd-like of me to want everything I watch to have big, fat, epic back-story, preferably reaching all the way to ancient, oldey thymey times, and possibly involving long stretches of desert or space or snow, but that’s just the…

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Buffy, “Storyteller”

I knew Xander Harris. Xander Harris was a friend of mine. You, sir, are no Xander Harris. By Sarah Kuhn February 26, 2003 You know what episode I love? That one where the nerdy guy, the seemingly non-heroic one, skulks around in the background and watches the rest of the Scoobs save the world. We see everything from his point…

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On the Jazz #8: Joss, Lose the Beard!

I’ll even donate my Norelco. By Matt Springer February 26, 2003 Fans of television’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer (as opposed to, what, Russian literature’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer?) have a great deal on their minds right now. Sarah Michelle Gellar is leaving the show. This leaves the future of Buffy as we know it in jeopardy. Spinoff rumors are overtaking fandom like those grisly Ubervamps…

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My Day At Wizard World

Dude, it’s, like, post-apocalyptic and stuff. By Matt Springer July 11, 2002 Ah, Wizard World. You’re an old cat with new tricks. I remember the days when you were the Chicago Comicon, and I used to save up my nickels and dimes from slaving in the hot janitorial pits of St. Jude the Apostle grade school, yearning for the chance…

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Buffy, “The Killer in Me”

The ‘bot strikes again! By Sarah Kuhn February 05, 2003 Dudes, I have a bone to pick. It’s the same bone I’ve picked a few times before, and yet, it wants more picking (and all this picking talk is sort of gross, so I’ll cut it). It’s about Amy, or more precisely, the bizarre Amy-bot that replaced the real Amy…

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Angel, “Underneath”

Kickin’ ass in the burbs (originally posted – 4/14/04) By Anthony Karcz September 16, 2004 When I realized that Fain and Craft (of “Harm’s Way” infamy) were behind this evening’s episode, I was less than thrilled. Have to say, I’m glad that, for once, they gave me a reason to take off the critic’s hat and geek out. We start…

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Marching to a Different Toon

Liquid surrealism By John Grant June 24, 2002 The release of a collection of the short movies of John Canemaker, Marching to a Different Toon, is something of a major event in animation circles, and Milestone are much to be congratulated for it. My only real complaint about it is that it’s too short: at a mere 60 minutes it leaves…

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On the Jazz #22: Firing Trek’s Fuckwads

If Trump can do it, so can you, Les. By Matt Springer February 04, 2005 Enterprise is dead. Long live…well, not really. This week’s news that the current “flagship” Star Trek series would be making its final weekly voyage in May registered as barely a blip on my mental radar. It was like hearing that the Pope died; haven’t we all seen this…

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