Category: general

The X-Files, “Improbable”

Murder by numbers, 1, 2, 3…9? By Diana Estigarribia April 09, 2002 Remember when you were a kid, and you played that game where you substitute numbers for every letter in a name and birthdate to get some kind of magic number? Chris Carter has been playing that same game, only with his characters. Numerology is the jumping off point…

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John Nathan-Turner, 1948-2002

Sit down, Ace. There’s something sad I have to tell you … By Dan Wiencek May 08, 2002 Doctor Who has, or can appear to have, no creator. Sure, the story of how the show came to be is there for anyone who wants to unearth it, but it consists mostly of a sketchy concept ungloriously shuttled from one BBC executive…

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Dead Air: Probe

I say “Parker Stevenson” and “Probe” and you think of porn. This is why I never call you any more. You’ve changed. By Chris Stewart September 25, 2002 Sometimes shows just come out at the wrong time. They’re good shows and enjoyable, but for a variety of reasons they just don’t stick. We can all think of shows we used…

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Angel, “You’re Welcome”

You will be missed. By Anthony Karcz September 16, 2004 So we’ve finally made it. After 99 episodes of snarky comments, brooding anti-heroes, hell dimensions, and dust bunnies aplenty, ANGEL celebrates its 100th episode. So far be it from the crew to let this anniversary fall by the wayside. Not by a long shot. “You’re Welcome” features the return of…

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End of Slays: Our Favorite Episodes

As Buffy comes to an end, we take a moment to recall some of the Slayer’s finest hours. By EG Staff May 16, 2003 As the final hour of Buffy approaches, we at Entertainment Geekly would like to take a few moments to remember our all-time favorite episodes. Thanks for all the memories, Buff! (We totally could have made a “Fangs for all the…

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Futurama, “Jurassic Bark”

Hug your dog. Right now. By Dan Wiencek November 20, 2002 Bender is acting like a magician. Don’t ask me why. He has the cloak, the hat, and is calling himself “Bender the Magnificent,” ably assisted by Fry in an unflattering leotard. I kept feeling there was a part to this joke I wasn’t getting, but soon forgot about it…

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Angel, “Smile Time”

The triumphant return of Busty Nina and her little, felty friend (originally posted – 2/18/04) By Anthony Karcz September 16, 2004 After last week’s horrific attempt at a flashback episode, Joss comes to his senses long enough to work out a story and hand it over to Ben Edlund (creator of THE TICK, in all its incarnations) for a superb…

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On The Jazz #18: Fuck Lucas

Yeah, that’s right. Fuck him. By Matt Springer September 16, 2004 Fuck George Lucas. I’ve practically had to shackle my hands to my desk to keep from typing those words. You don’t know how bad I’ve wanted to lay into that sad, flannel-clad motherfucker since the announcement of Star Wars on DVD. (It’s coming September 21, in case you haven’t heard. Four…

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