Category: general

Armageddon: The Great American Movie

No, Michael Bay…YOU da man. By Matt Springer March 03, 2002 This is the way the world will almost end. Not with a bang or a whimper, but with Bruce Willis on a big-ass rock in space, detonating a nuclear bomb that will save all of humanity. You think Jesus is a savior? Try John MacLean on for size. Yippie-kay-ay,…

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Gilmore Girls, “But Not As Cute As Pushkin”

We’re all dead here…though degrees of dead are debatable. By David B. Grelck November 30, 2004 Okay, yes, I know it’s been a while. I have a good excuse, really. My dog ate the reviews. Yup. Tore the hard drive right out of the computer he did. Uh-huh. Well, after that clever bit of storytelling subterfuge I’m sure you’ll trust…

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On the Jazz #21: My Ten Best Geek Moments of ’04

Mr. RUSH! By Matt Springer January 07, 2005 The new year has at long last arrived, and with it comes the inevitable glut of 2004 lists, such as Best Songs By One-Fourth of No Doubt, Worst Celebrity Bowel Movements, and whatever else VH1 can slap together video packages about so that sixth-rate comedians and “writer/producers” can make glib and not-at-all-pre-scripted…

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Monty Python’s Spamalot!

Yup. Pennywise, Niles and Moe Syzlak By David B. Grelck January 04, 2005 So this year on New Year’s Eve, the wife and I didn’t go to a party, we went to the THEATRE! (Notice the usage of RE instead of ER) And what did we see at the theatre? Why Monty Python. Monty Python? In one of the very…

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Geek Reads: Legend of Earthsea

Ursula K. Le Guin’s scifi and fantasy world. By Diana Estigarribia January 06, 2005 Ursula K. Le Guin is one of my favorite authors. She is a constant inspiration and a model for my own writing. So I was thrilled about the miniseries based on the first two “Earthsea” books, A Wizard of Earthsea and The Tombs of Atuan, which aired recently on…

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To Whom It May Concern: Make with the spooky

One mans crabby demands for more and better ghosts on TV By Chris Stewart January 15, 2005 It’s not much of a secret, at least among those who know me, that I’m a big ghost fan. I dig ghosts. In particular I like ghost movies, but this is a natural extension of being interesting in ghost stories in general. When…

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Sigh. This lingerie-laden assassin slices and dices with mediocre results. By Spence D January 16, 2005 Marvel Entertainment continues to confound with their choices of comic characters-to-film. Thus far they’ve split their efforts 50/50 between universally known and loved characters (Spidey, X-Men, Hulk), and darker, more cult oriented anti-heroes like Daredevil, The Punisher, and Blade. Now Elektra, re-animated femme fatale…

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The mania of ‘Mania

Please do not try this at home. By Rob Bloom January 15, 2005 Admitting that one is a professional wrestling fan isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do. For many years, I was tormented in grade school. Even the smelly girl and the boy who ate paste took turns insulting my Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior T-shirts. My enjoyment of…

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Shatner Nation

It sickens me. By Matt Springer January 18, 2005 I couldn’t help myself. There he was. William Shatner. Captain Kirk. Denny Crane. The Shat. There I was. Matt Springer. No great shakes. Nothing to show for myself. Not much of anybody at all. The scene was a concert at the El Rey in LA featuring William Shatner along with Ben…

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The Life & Times of the Barbarian Brothers

Hollywood MVPs By Rob Bloom January 20, 2005 Throughout the course of modern cinema, several dynamic duos have dazzled us with their undeniable chemistry: Clark Gable & Vivian Leigh, Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy, Sly Stallone & Estelle Getty. But notwithstanding the accomplishments of these talented legends, there is another comedic combo, equally deserving of our recognition. Often grossly overlooked…

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